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USS Bugara

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Perch Base Submarine Veterans (USSVI) Webmaster and Life Member Dan Marks presented a painting to Chuck Bishop of the USS Bugara (SS-331), his qual boat, on February 7, 2020.
I guess you could call it a "Change of Command" ceremony.
Dan won the painting as the high (and only) bidder at the live auction during the Western Regional Roundup in Laughlin, NV, in March, 2019. Upon the discovery that Chuck, a Life Member at the White Mountain Base, qualified on the USS Bugara in 1961, Dan offered the painting to Chuck, who was honored to "give it a good home."
In appreciation of the gift, Chuck made a donation to Perch Base, becoming a Life Member of our base as his Secondary Base.

Click on any thumbnail for a larger picture.

February 2020 USS Bugara painting presentation

USS Bugara (SS-331).

February 2020 USS Bugara painting presentation

Chuck Bishop accepts USS Bugara painting from Dan Marks.

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